Genuinely Convinced!

The most positive thing about the last year and a half is that it showed me who I cannot rely on. There are always those that would continuously watch from the side lines and never get involved.

In this life, I find that more people turn a blind eye than the ones who stops and render aid. However, no matter how difficult or unbearable a situation is, there are always something of value that can be gleaned from it.

I am unsure what the purpose of my struggle is at this time. However, I can see that my list of acquaintance and those I now see as friends has drastically reduced. I generally prefer individuals that require nothing from me other than my company. Not that I am unwilling to lend a hand or be there for those who are close to my heart, but right now, my family preoccupies most of my time. With that, it is difficult for me to be there for others and it frustrates me when others place demands on me.

As I struggled to understand and to seek solace from God, I found him, uncaring and indifferent as men were. From a child, I did not even place demands on my parent or even him. I got a job from an early age, to try to meet my own needs. Whatever I asked of the Father and his son was well within reason. I did, however, expected unconditional love and acceptance from God.

Every person has the right to chose who they want to love and want to be with. I just do not believe that a person who had no desire for a person at one point, only to select them at a more favorable time, truly loves. I think that love, loves at all time. If a man loves a girl, he would love her with or without struggles. If she were not worthy of his time when she was had challenges, he is not worthy of her, when she's successful. If, the only time, he wants to be with her is when she's prosperous, it is not her that he desires but the benefits of her success.

I know that I like being loved for me. I did not deliberately start to scrutinize people to know if they truly loved me, but my circumstances caused me to. I know that I have an idealistic idea of what love truly is but that is sincerely my conviction. It matters not how much one may claim to love me, if I do not see evidence of it, I would never believe it. I also know that once my mind is made up there is nothing one could do. I would prefer not to be loved at all than to have a pretentious love.

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