Turning Away!

If you knew, what would be your reaction,
If to you, your future spouse was revealed?
What if you got to consider, as he ignored you,
Would you reveal, gave this information to him, or
Simply turn away, and refuse ever to join him?

For a moment, I was happy, I embraced the idea of it.
Then tried my best to explain, share the future with him.
It was not I that initially turned away, but he from me.
At a different time, in my hour of need, he refused me.
Now I am conflicted, I know that he is not alone.
He has not attempted to make amends or has heaven's throne.

So, I want to walk away and not ever acknowledge him.
For all, I have are doubts concerning his affection and intentions.
After being ignored and the way he responded.
I am unsure that I can choose him, even though, I once did.
I have too much respect for myself to accept that sort of behavior.
I am terribly frustrated with his lack of response and indifference.
But I can choose to do something to uplift and carry my spirit,
Even if, it is giving up and walking away, for that would bring
Momentarily satisfaction and relief to me, something I need today.


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