Dance of Prince and Angel!

I think you’re awful pretty .
And appears to be quite witty.
It is all true, I do not know,
What to say, or how to respond
To the lovely girl, I once knew.

You do not have to say a word.
Ignored all the things you’ve heard.
Just place your hands in mine.
we can reunite through our dance of all time.
Bend and bow, slowly glide around.

In your vision, my dream, it happens.
The prince and angel get to be
All they imagine and so much more.
Their names now appear in history.
As the best beloved, love story.

Bend and bow, slowly glide around.
This is the dance of lost lovers.
As they rediscover the joy they once knew.
The love of dance that is intimately theirs.
Bend and bow they will show you how.

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