
Well I am still here! I am a little sore and tired. Some time, after my surgery, the nurses in the recovery woke me up. At that point, I did not realize the surgery was over.

I was still asleep, when I heard one of the nurses say, “Are you, Ok.”

I answered her by saying, yes but I was asleep because I did not get a lot of sleep the night before. Then I added that I may need to go to a spa for some rest, and then I asked if I had my surgery?

She said, “Yes, you are in the recovery room.”

I then said, “Well how long have I been here?” Around twenty minutes were her response.

Well, to say the least, I did not continue to sleep. Instead, another person rolled my bed out of there to another surgical area, where I was discharged and sent home.

The first night, I was back, I did not sleep well, but last night, I slept until my house phone rang. I thought it was someone, calling to check on me. It turned out it was a telemarketer.

One of my girlfriends took the day off and accompanied me to the hospital. Another stayed with my children. The one that took me stayed at my house, the first night. As per the post surgery instruction, a responsible adult was supposed to stay with me for 24 hours.

That girlfriend was rather surprised that my husband did not respond to her as she kept texting him, in order to keep him informed concerning my status at the hospital.

I, however, do not know what was so surprising about him not caring. It did not bother me because he and I are not one. What troubles me more in this life is not human behavior but the lack of care of my true partner?

The bible says the heart of all men is evil and desperately wicked. I know that statement came from the sky. My experience on this earth has reinforced that this is in general, a true statement.

For now, I keep pondering, my future on the face of this earth. I can see that even those that I have blessed and taken care of have no compassion for me. My daughters that are away at college did not call once to see if I made out it of the surgery. One did call the next day to say, she was sorry for not inquiring about my welfare, the other, to this moment has not called.

I know that I came here as a service to my father and that all involved were chosen. I am not sure if these all represent the best of humanity or the majority. I know that my husband is a well respected man, and in some ways, he is the best that his race has to offer.

I feel that, in the future, I will still need to be cautious about the people I bring into my life. I am truly not sure, when it comes to my celestial partner, what it is that I will do. I told him that I did not want anything to do with him ever again. Because of his true identity, I am purposefully not giving any details about him.

If my older brother were here, I would have been long gone because; I know he would have supported me. Of all my siblings, he was the only one that would give to me. All the others seem to always just want from me; well their past actions have given me that opinion. Of all those left on this earth, my sister does love and has not asked anything of me. She and I are not as close as we were once. I try to make an effort to listen to her when she calls, and I share some of my struggles with her, but I not tell her a whole lot.

I did not want to be alone, but I figure that as much as my relationship with people has turned into a night-mare that would be best for me. I do not want to leave my home without being able to support myself because if I did that, I would have to rely on my husband still for a period of time. The only reason things has not changed for me, is that I do not want to take from my husband because that would deprive my children. I did not come here to take from anyone, but neither did I realize that my father would dump me and not make any provision for me. Had he provided for me, I would not have gotten burnt out and tired and then felt forced to marry. All these things have left me terribly unsure about my future. I know what I do not want to go back to but neither do I have anyone to turn to. I know in the past he cared for all those he elected; therefore, I do not understand, why he did not do the same for me. Even my partner, was well provided for.

There is nothing I can do but see the unjustness in all of this. I do not even understand how he could still expect me to finish my purpose or ever meet him where he is.

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