No Other Option!

I cannot understand why everyone that was directly involved in my life seems to think that their behavior and responses should not have had any impact on me. That is not only true of the human that are associated with me but my celestial partner. The behavior of everyone that was chosen had either positive or negative effects on me. I maybe what I am, but these things affected me in the same manner it would have any other person.

Due to the humongous strain I was under in the last two years, my adrenal glands became sluggish and I had to go on thyroid medication. The synthetics made me feel horrible, with that, I went to a wellness clinic. The cost of that is not covered with medical insurance yet I found it highly necessary. I worry about those expenses because although my situation created my health issues, I am a little apprehensive about my husband reaction concerning the expense. He outwardly claims he does not object, but his body language says differently. All of these are upset about my blogging but sees no wrong doing on their part.

As I can rationalize my reasons for blogging, as well as they justify their actions as well as God does for allowing my situation to continue. As anyone give a number of excuse like, I was under a lot of stress, or my trip was planned two months in advance, or I was young or you should wait until I get back to have surgery but of what help is that to me. How about I will not sue anyone to clear your name and reputation because that is not the kind of thing that I do. Yet all these things were crucial to my wellbeing, and those excuses were not enabling or helpful to me. They all certainly did not aid me with feeling loved and supported. I guess for that reason, It is more beneficial for me to toil alone. It may be wrong to document the ways God and man have failed me. I know that I have purposed never to allow this ever to happen to me again in the future. This means that I will never depend on another to help me with significant things. For I feel that if I do not, I will no longer have such gigantic disappointments. I feel that it was wrong of me to have gotten married and to place my care into someone else's hands. From my early years, I worked to provide for myself, and now I can see that was best for me. I know that, at the time, I got married, I was weary, so I am not sure that I had any other choice, but now I know that, for me, this was not a workable option.

For as many people that love me from afar, none is capable of loving me intimately. This is something truly significant for me to know. I sincerely do not know that I have any other choice but to wait until I get the result I need in order that I can go on my own. That is what I truly prefer to do because I sincerely do not ever want to have the kind of experience I have with my husband or celestial partner ever again.
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