Lesson in Charity!

I anticipate a much better year.
Was it not I that wrote once,
That faith is not nothingness.
So what am I supposed to do?

Sit around waiting to be rescued
By my illusive self consumed prince?
Need I prove to him that I am, family?
What for, is that truly a requirement?

Need I ask again, have I not before.
In order to be ignored some more.
Not exactly what I was hoping for.
But is it not persistence that works.

Even though you first said, no!
Am I supposed to ask and ask again?
Is that not how this industry works?
For every yes, there were twenty nos.

My apprehension has everything to do with
Who I am as an independent minded woman.
I hate having to depend or submit to any one.
My nature holds me hostage, I’d rather defeat.

Think about it, if you truly knew who I was.
Let’s say I was your niece and not just someone
You had arbitrarily met, while walking in the street?
Would you not have chosen to treat me differently?

I do not see altruism in the helpers of acquaintance.
But in those that extend it to strangers, non-relatives.
Neither do I regard charity that benefits one-self.
I have been trying to impart that message to you.

The reason my origin and relation was with held.
The only reason, I will prove that our connection.
Goes beyond strangers, or merely just friends.
I’ve said several times, yet still you do not believe.


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