My Reality!

You pushed me away, not the reverse.
The first time, I considered your proposal.
But you had already selected, cut me out.
I was disappointed but accepted, wanted you.
Even to understand that and admitted to it.
Perhaps I did try to force you to do just that.
But it is particularly evident that I was left alone.
Tried to compel you to say, you were sorry.
That certainly would not have been an apology.
It appeared as if I deliberately chose to walk away.
That I certainly did not do, now it is your recent refusal.
It has certainly caused me to want to protect myself.
I certainly now believe that you are not to be trusted.
We are presently talking about my future earthly existence.
While others may not realize it, you do know the truth.
I will have to make a choice, do what I do not want to.

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