Declaration of Intent!

I feel that I know but only one.
Actually belong to him and you.
But it is only the one that rejected.
That I was the closest, most attached to.

Whether I stay here or flee to the desert.
Some of what I say and do was written.
My dreams and thoughts are to work,
Live, be along side, as I partner with you.

Sometimes I see and dream of the day
When I get to see you and hold your hands.
Only once before had you, or he embrace,
Slipped his arms around my then, tiny waist.

That was a long time ago, wish I knew then.
But I do now and yet it does not change.
Cannot undo or stop a single solitary thing.
I should at least get more than I've been given.

Want to get paid for my thoughts and writings.
To have you stand beside me, not just as a friend.
But as my manager, executive director of every
Thing that I aspire to attain from here on out.


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