Life is Poetic!

Life my friend is poetry.
If you were unaware of it,
Then, I am demonstrating that to you.
As it occurs or is seen by me, I write.
Place it here for the entire world to read.
As it comes, or I am inspired or feel.
I convert it into verse, of course
I would much prefer to converse.
But I also am a little ambivalent about that.
Unsure of you, I hide behind my script.

Whatever is true or a dream, time will tell.
Know that this is because I am frustrated.
For I have grown weary from being here.
Even though my desires are somewhat selfish.
They are true, and the future is troublesome, to me.
It is so unlike me to put anyone in jeopardy, but me.
I just have not seen any appreciation, concern, care,
Or love in response for me or for what I have done.
It is difficult to live with anyone that is so uncaring.

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