
How could any live with Jerusalem and not know?
How could you not see her heritage and disregarded her so?
I keep telling you, that exact thing will give you sorrow.
Would you deliberately walk away from one of your relative?
Probably not intentionally, but you did the same precise thing.

The basis of all these things is so that the burden is not of one.
But of all that are related and claim to love, yet did not a thing.
Problem is that it makes it extremely difficult for me to select you.
I keep focusing on your ignorance, mistakes, and stupidity too.
It makes my mission painful and extremely hard to accomplish.

I cannot rightfully tell anyone or force them to choose to act.
For me, as a brother, husband, friend, relative or even a Jew.
So in that regard, I kept my mouth close and allowed you, not to.
For whatever men want to say to me or of me, I know the truth.
What does it matter, in the end, I am not the one that will lose.

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