Predistined to be this way!

Neither he nor I are here representing perfection.
We are here for the experience, the hard times.
In our humanity, we both struggle with and being human.
Our position may be superior, but we currently are not.

If you read my blog of 6/4/11, which is called:” This I Promise.”
You will see that I am wounded, I cry, hurt is not having
A pleasant time, as I am disappointed, I respond like men.
In general, I know that I tend to pull or push people away.

I marvel at mankind, the ones that claim to have faith.
Then does not attempt to change their situation in any way.
That is not how God works. Faith believes that action
Will produce the desired effect, not something out of nothingness.

The truth is with me. God is different from he was with his other elect.
My actual mission is the knowledge that comes from being mistreated.
So for that reason, I was surrounded by the most imperfect of them.
I can tell you that, in the last eighteen years, my halo was activated.

Yet, all these still do not have a single clue as to whom they are with.
It is not exactly true that there is only one to whom truth was revealed.
I later remembered that other at various times has seen me as I truly am.
It is not by my personal self will that I glow, but those were selected to know.

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